Our Brand


There is no INSIGHTS without Sensata, and our logo is constructed to reinforce this relationship.

Our Logo Makes INSIGHTS Iconic.

A brand is more than a logo, however, we’ve taken great pains to ensure that our logo makes the Sensata brand come through loud and clear.

Sensata IN 4 color logo

Sensata IN 4 color logo, vertical slogan

Sensata IN 4 color logo, horizontal slogan

Sensata IN 4 color logo, horizontal

Sensata IN 4 color logo, horizontal

Sub Brand Identity

Our shorthand identity system is easily recognized without overpowering the existing Sensata Technologies logo. It’s an ownable expression of “insights” that stands out in a sea of buzzwords and is easily applied to other business units. Like the periodic table, these two-letter tags help define the elemental pieces of Sensata Technologies’ corporate structure without being redundant, overplayed or trendy. And finally, IN captures our spirit of going all IN, being IN vehicles and tightly tied IN with our partners.


We are proud of our heritage.

We’ve taken great pains to ensure the Sensata brand comes through loud and clear. There is no INSIGHTS without Sensata and our logo is constructed to reinforce this relationship.

  1. Lockup Construction

    Remaining true to our roots, our logo is based on the proportions of a single dot from the Sensata Graphic Element. The IN is set in Univers LT Std Bold Condensed in our new INSIGHTS Orange.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

  1. Clear Space

    Our logo must be easily seen and recognized. Don’t crowd it with other images or type. The minimum clear space should always be x on all sides of the signature.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

  1. Minimum Size

    To ensure clarity and legibility, we have established a minimum reproduction size. The logo may be scaled up as large as you wish, but it should not be smaller than the recommended minimum size shown here.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

  1. Maximum Proportion/Minimum Distance

    Take special care that the descriptor does not overpower or be seen as part of the logo. We recommend that INSIGHTS never be taller than .75% of the height of the lowercase “n” in Sensata and that it never be placed closer than the minimum distance of one “IN” from the logo.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

  1. Special Application

    The INSIGHTS descriptor can be rotated 90º for long, horizontal layouts, such as a circular trade show sign or banner. We recommend that it align to the height of the logo and be placed no closer than the minimum distance of one “IN” from the logo.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

Reinforcing who we are

As we build awareness and promote the adoption of our identity system, a descriptor should always be visible with our logo to reinforce our name.

INSIGHTS should always follow the logo and never proceed it. This descriptor should always appear in all capital letters and either to the right of or beneath the logo.

Conspicuously Visible

It is important that the descriptor be conspicuously visible with our logo to reinforce the connection. Do not place the descriptor so far away that the logo and descriptor cannot be seen at the same time.


IN Treatment

There may be instances where space doesn’t allow for the standard Sensata INSIGHTS logo to be featured. In this instance, you can use this abbreviated “IN” treatment. Examples include usage within browser tabs, social media posts, video conferencing backgrounds, etc. Only use when space is limited.

  • This treatment is not intended to be a standalone logo or a direct replacement for the Sensata INSIGHTS logo. Therefore, “Sensata INSIGHTS” needs to be included in text and easily visible when this treatment is used.
  • Render this treatment in 85% dark gray when using it as a watermark.

Being Bold Starts With Optimum Contrast.

Our products stand out in a crowded market and our brand should stand out as well. We use two grays from the Sensata brand palette to increase contrast of the Sensata wordmark for dark and light backgrounds.

Light Logo

  1. For use on dark backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Light Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color logo

Dark Logo

  1. For use on light backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Dark Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color dark logo

Special Applications

  1. 2-Color Light
    Sensata IN 2 color light logo
  1. 2-Color Dark
    Sensata IN 2 color dark logo
  1. Reverse
    Sensata IN reverse logo
  1. Black
    Sensata IN black logo

Horizontal Logo Applications

Use the same color variations and follow the same guidelines for these horizontal logo treatments as previously outlined for the stacked logos.

Light Logo

  1. For use on dark backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Light Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color horizontal logo

Dark Logo

  1. For use on light backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Dark Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color dark horizontal logo

Special Applications

  1. 2-Color Light
    Sensata IN 2 color light horizontal logo
  1. 2-Color Dark
    Sensata IN 2 color dark horizontal logo
  1. Reverse
    Sensata IN 2 color light horizontal reverse logo
  1. Black
    Sensata IN 2 color black horizontal logo

Authorized Reseller

To indicate authorized reseller status, make sure the Sensata INSIGHTS logo is featured prominently, then insert the words “Authorized Reseller” beneath it in gray italics with initial caps. Much like the standard Sensata INSIGHTS logo, you can choose different variations, including light, dark and special applications.

Light Logo

  1. For use on dark backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Light Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color authorized reseller light logo

Dark Logo

  1. For use on light backgrounds, the Sensata wordmark is set in Dark Gray.
    Sensata IN 4 color authorized reseller dark logo

Special Applications

  1. 2-Color Light
    Sensata IN 2 color authorized reseller light logo
  1. 2-Color Dark
    Sensata IN 2 color authorized reseller dark logo
  1. Reverse
    Sensata IN authorized reseller reverse logo
  1. Black
    Sensata IN authorized reseller black logo

There may be times when the Sensata INSIGHTS logo should not be used, whether due to size limitations or the inability to have a secondary descriptor. In these circumstances we recommend using the text version.

  1. Text Version

    In exceptional circumstances, it may not always be possible to use the logo due to certain size limitations. In such cases, remember that legibility is your top priority. The text version of our name in Neue Haas Grotesk Bold is acceptable in these situations.
    Sensata IN text only logo

  1. Product Badging or Packaging

    Another option for a color application in text, Sensata should be either light gray or dark gray and INSIGHTS should be INSIGHTS orange.
    Sensata IN text only logo
    Sensata IN text only logo

  1. Endorsements

    When locking up with a partner logo, we recommend using the text version with this endorsing statement: Empowered By. Consistent wording, spacing and placement is how we will gain market recognition.
    Sensata IN logo as endorsement

Logos — Acceptable Use

The Sensata INSIGHTS logo should always appear clear and legible. By following a few general guidelines, we can ensure that the signature always appears in the best light.

  1. Sensata IN text only logo
  2. Sensata IN text only logo

Dark Logo

  1. White background
  2. Light photographic background
  1. Sensata IN 4c logo on black
  2. Sensata IN 4c logo on dark photo

Light Logo

  1. White background
  2. Dark photographic background
  1. Sensata IN 2 color light logo on dark background
  2. Sensata IN 2 color light logo on dark photographic background

2-Color Light Logo

  1. Black background
  2. Dark photographic background
  1. Sensata IN 2c logo on white
  2. Sensata IN 2c logo on light photo

2-Color Dark Logo

  1. White background
  2. Light photographic background
  1. Sensata IN black logo white background
  2. Sensata IN black logo photographic background

Black Logo

  1. White background
  2. Light photographic background
  1. Sensata IN reverse logo on black
  2. Sensata IN reverse logo on dark photo

Reverse Logo

  1. Black background
  2. Dark photographic background

Logos — Unacceptable Use

The strength of the Sensata INSIGHTS brand depends on you. Take care to ensure correct and consistent logo use in every application. Changing or redrawing the signature in any way weakens the power of the image and what it represents.

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not change spacing

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not change the font

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not recolor the logo

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not resize elements

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not apply a gradient

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not rotate

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not change proportions

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not use IN with corporate logo

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not use light logo on light background

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not use dark logo on dark background

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not place over busy backgrounds

Sensata IN text only logo
Do not put a box around the logo